
100 Winter Boredom Busters

Indoor and outdoor activities for kids of all ages

By Jen Formanek - Macaroni Kid Publisher January 26, 2018

Here's 100 activities to help keep the kids occupied during the rest of the winter.

Check out our Pinterest board on our NEW Pinterest page!

  1. cut large and small notches in the side of a box and use a broom and small balls to play 'golf' (Line with pillows to create bumpers)
  2. make up or act out a play
  3. create an obstacle course outside in the snow 
  4. mix frosting, chocolate chips, pretzel sticks, and some candy corn in a bowl and dip into the 'melted snowman' dessert dip with graham crackers
  5. put together photo albums
  6. bake some cookies
  7. use felt or draw a hop scotch game on a table cloth and toss fruit snack packets as you hop (Eat them when you're done -- yum!)
  8. bake a cake
  9. place a rubber ball between your calves and 'waddle' walk and race like a penguin
  10. make an indoor ball pit pool
  11. glue a cardboard tube on a paper plate, cut out an inner circle from 6 paper plates and play ring toss
  12. use cookie cutters and decorate cookies 
  13. braid hair
  14. tape crepe paper across the hallway in different angles to create a paper laser maze
  15. build a fort out of sheets
  16. decorate boxes into a snowman and bowl to knock them over
  17. build with Legos or blocks
  18. call a friend or two
  19. do an experiment
  20. pick photos for a scrapbook
  21. make a snowstorm in a water bottle with glitter and beads (glue the top)
  22. clean out your toy box
  23. put on a dress up fashion show
  24. tie a large 7-8 yard fabric over and under a long table to create a reading hammock
  25. make a silly snowman
  26. flatten a box into a rectangle and cover it with duct tape to create a sled
  27. clean under the bed
  28. color together with crayons, colored pencils, or markers
  29. put a little water and a few drops of blue food coloring in the tub, toss in some magnetic letters and use a stick with a string and magnet to go 'fishing' in the tub
  30. fill spray bottles with colored water and use them to spraypaint the snow outside
  31. place ten white cups in a triangle shape and bowl or use them as a ball toss
  32. cut strips of fleece and make your own scarves by snipping tassles at the end
  33. fill a large balloon with colored water, set them outside to freeze, then cut off the balloon for a colored lawn decoration
  34. cook something together
  35. Use sliced in half pool noodles, wood planks, or tubes and blocks to make matchbox car race tracks of different heights
  36. copy pictures from your favorite picture books
  37. learn about a different country online (Create a passport to illustrate where you've been and 'go' somewhere whenever it is too rainy or snowy out)
  38. create a 'treasures' box by decorating a shoebox
  39. fill mismatch gloves with cotton and stitch closed before decorating with monster faces using buttons and beads for eyes and felt for mouths
  40. dangle yarn from above into different colored water cups and create colorful icicles
  41. draw and label a family tree (add small pictures if you like.)
  42. break out the pots and pans and play some music
  43. fill some bottles with different levels of water to tap or blow into and make music
  44. teach yourself to knit or crochet
  45. use tissue paper circles and pipe cleaners to create paper flowers
  46. cut and paste pictures from magazines and write a silly story
  47. make-up your own board game with poster board
  48. tape off a snowflake, paint around the tape, and then pull up the tape for a reverse snowflake painting
  49. put together a jigsaw puzzle
  50. surprise an older neighbor by making something for them
  51. break out some puzzles, word search books, crossword puzzles or hidden picture pages
  52. play 'school' and practice some skills that might need improving
  53. open some 'how to draw' books and create a flip book
  54. illustrate cartoon strips
  55. clean the house
  56. make a fortune teller out of origami paper
  57. empty the dishwasher
  58. find a pen pal to write or skype with
  59. sing songs while you fold laundry
  60. find scraps of paper, string, pom poms, and other bits to create a collage
  61. have a tea party with your dolls
  62. make a skeleton or picture out of macaroni noodles
  63. blow bubbles outside to create frozen bubbles
  64. set up a tent in the living room and go camping
  65. use masking tape to make circles on the carpet and play marbles
  66. glue pennies to the front and back of the soles of a pair of shoes for some indoor tap shoes (careful where they tap!)
  67. have D.E.A.R. time at home (Drop everything and read!)
  68. grab flash cards or a dictionary and have a math or spelling bee
  69. lay out a blanket and have a picnic on the floor 
  70. look up different paper airplane directions and have a race to see which design is the fastest
  71. have a tea party with real mini appetizers or finger sandwiches
  72. put on an indoor circus with stuffed animals
  73. learn a new magic trick
  74. create paper animals with origami
  75. grab your favorite chapter book as a kid and read it to your kids, no matter their age
  76. read online books on the iPad or computer
  77. make a collage from magazine pictures of favorites (Favorite food, favorite toys, favorite activities, …)
  78. do a craft together
  79. decorate a box and make a clubhouse or store
  80. tape empty cardboard tubes into a wall in a pattern and let the kids roll marbles down them like a roller coaster
  81. draw a map of the house and hide something for someone else to find using the map
  82. use a wire hanger to make a mobile
  83. use blankets and cushions to make a hideout
  84. tie three brooms or poles together and make a blanket tee pee
  85. cut strips of card stock and illustrate bookmarks
  86. make dessert together
  87. cut up carton or fruit rind and make a bird feeder
  88. make dinner together
  89. buy a cape and design your own superhero logo on it
  90. print out paper dolls and clothes to cut out and play with
  91. build something with marshmallows, pretzel sticks, raisins, frosting, or graham crackers
  92. take string and make friendship bracelets
  93. play with play-doh or make your own play dough
  94. make 'helicopters' using straws and card stock
  95. fold paper and cut out hearts or snowflakes
  96. tape paper plates to Popsicle sticks and blow up a balloon for some indoor badminton fun
  97. make a sandwich together (Use cookie or sandwich cutters to make it fun)
  98. take some mismatched socks and create sock puppets (cut a hole in a box and make a puppet show)
  99. design your own cooking apron with puff paints
  100. tape arched paper around the room as a hockey/golf course to tap a soft ball through

Write all of the activities you like from this list on strips of paper and put them in a can to pick one or two on the next 'boring' day.

Don't forget to check out our local calendar or for fun things to do out of the house this week!